Are you a business owner struggling to keep up with all your various demands? Do you run a blog and wonder where all your time went when trying to release enough content?
This is where I can help!
I’m Erin Nielsen, a freelance writer for hire specializing in lifestyle, travel and healthcare. I can make your content:
- Engaging
- Informative
- Accurate
My high quality content is search-engine friendly, social media-friendly, and helps businesses save time.
I have experience in:
- Writing – I hold a bachelor’s degree in Journalism
- Healthcare – I have been working for the past decade in the medical, dental and behavioral health fields. I also have a Master’s of Healthcare Administration
- Travel – What do I do in my spare time? Make travel itineraries of course! And travel as soon as I have the PTO hours!
- Lifestyle – I am passionate about all things lifestyle, including skincare, baking, healthy cooking and fitness
Specifically for those healthcare organizations that need help with their online content, be assured I have expert knowledge of and personal experience in:
- Medical Supplies
- Rehabilitation
- Vaccinations
- Community Health Centers/FQHCs
- Mental Health services
- Provider Support
- Management and Leadership
From first hand experience in the healthcare industry, I understand the many demanding priorities for management and clinical staff. There just aren’t enough hours in the day, not to mention employee retention is a continued concern for many organizations. I have extensive experience drafting policies and procedures for internal use, so this is an additional service I can offer you.
No matter your business needs, I can help save you time by producing quality, engaging content for your online presence so you have more bandwidth to take care of your clients and business.
I know how to craft my writing so your business ranks in Google and gets you noticed!
Let’s collaborate!